Here is how to do it:
1. Choose Barathrum
2. Farm for Cranium Basher, but don't take your Greater Bash yet.
3. After get your basher, hit the creep until you get a bash.
4. Immediately take your Nether Bash.
5. You will got 100% Bash from Cranium Basher and 17% Greater Bash.
6. Perma Rape!!!
You also can view this video if you are confuse.
Please note that this bug only working on Dota 6.58 and already fix on Dota 6.58b. I think this maybe work with other hero with passive bash, like Slardar/Troll, but i haven't try it yet ^_^" Feel free to share other bug on Dota 6.58 or Dota 6.58b :) Enjoy!
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