Dota Allstars 6.66b OMG v1.04d Download:
- DotA v6.66b OMG v1.04f.w3x (mirror 1)
- DotA v6.66b OMG v1.04f.w3x (mirror 2)
DotA v6.66b OMG 1.04f Map Changelogs:
- New mode - Pick Abilities (-pa) - any player can pick any ability for its any hero without time limits. [details below]
- New mode - Disabled Skills (-ds) - disabled but working abilities will be added to skills pool. [some details below]
- Different skills pools for -ad and -ra modes.
- Opportunity to see allies' abilities-
- Rewrite of abilities Warpath, Fiery Soul, Static Field, Aftershock, Overload, Requiem of Souls and Eclipse for their correct work with any skill.
- Rewrite of Aghanim's Scepter for its correct work with every upgradable ultimate.
- Removing of Kelen's Dagger restriction on Pudge and Venge and Quelling Blade restriction on Kunkka.
- Removing of multiple passives, criticals or bashes restriction.
• Pick Abilities
Pick Abilities is a copy of All Pick, but for abilities. There will be created ~20 new taverns after activation of mode, filled with skills. Taverns are sorted by skills tenor, for example there will be Windwalks tavern, Blinks tavern, Haste tavern, AOE nukes taverns, etc.
After picking hero, player will be able to choose 3 standart skills and 1 ultimate skill for its hero immediately and he shouldn't wait for others. Every chosen skill will be removed from taverns, so 1 ability allowed to be picked only for 1 hero in all game (without -da submode ofc).
Pick Abilities will be compatible with any other standart mode, and won't be compatible with Random Abilities or Abilities Draft. Also, -pa will be compatible with -noherolimit, so you can choose abilities for every your hero.
Maybe, there will be command -randomize like standart -random in -ap with opportunity to repick abilities.
• Disabled Skills
- Disabled Skills submode will add every working ability to skills pool.
- This addition will be constant for Pick Abilities and Abilities Draft, but every player can set on/off this mode for itself in Random Abilities.
You can start playing DotA Omg with these two modes for other optional modes read this thread on PlayDota.
Games modes:
Random abilities: -Ra with other games modes.
Abilities Draft: -ad with other games modes.
Have Fun!
Credits to ~Bob~ for developing this map, if you have found any bugs do report here via comments
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