Jin'zakk is a hero with awesome early game DPS, lane control and mobility. He is an unusual intelligence hero in the way, that he has low range but pretty high strenght gain. His spell are mostly melee-ranged that means you have to throw yourself recklessly into a bunch of enemies and burn everything what stands in your way.
His playstyle is pretty suicidal and to be well executed, you always have to walk on a razor's edge. The more courage and insanity you have while playing Batrider, the better!
But enough talking, let's start with the guide.
Pros and Cons:
[+] Strong early game presence and damage
[+] Able to fly over obstacles and cliffs
[+] Stackable slow that makes your enemies crawl
[+] His disable goes trough magic immunity
[+] Good farmer
[+] High strenght gain for an intelligence hero
[-] Has to be almost in melee range to unleash his damage
[-] Has to stack Napalm to deal serious damage
[-] Low attackrange and movementspeed
[-] Needs a Blink Dagger to use his ultimate perfectly
[-] Gets weaker lategame
Skill Build
Level 1 - Sticky Napalm/ Firefly
Level 2 - Firefly/ Sticky Napalm (*)
Level 3 - Sticky Napalm
Level 4 - Firefly
Level 5 - Sticky Napalm
Level 6 - Flaming Lasso
Level 7 - Sticky Napalm
Level 8 - Firefly
Level 9 - Firefly
Level 10 - Flamebreak
Level 11 - Flaming Lasso
Level 12 - Flamebreak
Level 13 - Flamebreak
Level 14 - Flamebreak
Level 15 - Attribute Bonus
Level 16 - Flaming Lasso
Level 17+ - Attribute Bonus
Pretty straight cookie-cutter build. Napalm is maxed first to make use of the great damage amplification. The stackable slow and the enhanced damage are just to good to pass it up. Firefly is taken afterwards to maximise the damage you can deal by stacking Napalm and flying over your targets.
Flaming Lasso is of course taken whenever you can, because it lowers the cooldown and increases the duration. Always remember, it's one of the most reliable disables in the game.
Flamebreak is taken over stats because an additional nuke, that breaks chanelling and can be used to scout is never bad.
After level 16 it's your decision but i would suggest you take Stats rather than nothing. By god, I made this joke already in my Chen guide and it's still so funny.
(*) If you don't think you can score firstblood by level 2 with a Napalm - Firefly combo, because you are maybe facing a trilane or heroes with good escape mechanisms and stuns like PotM and Windrunner, you may want to take Firefly at level one to have an escaping mechanism yourself.
Always remember that Firefly makes you unchaseable because the enemies will permanently get damaged by following you and at level one even a 20 DPS firetrail can be devasting when paired with attacks from creeps and towers.
Item Build:
Starting Items:
Get a combination of those. Regeneration is always necessary, especially for suiciding rambos like Batrider. Magic Stick rocks, Gauntlets are cool and Branches are even cooler.
If your team does not have a chicken, buy it yourself, it's necessary and underestimated.
A Ring of Regeneration or Stout Shield can be bought if you don't have to provide a chicken for your team, but that's your decision.
DON'T GET BOOTS AT START. Even it may seem good on Batrider because of his strong chasing and low movementspeed you need other items to stay in lane long enough to establish your lane control. If you have to go back and get underleveled, you are nothing but a big, flying creep with a disable.
Core Items:
Get Boots asap, finish get a Wand and and Urn. Boots are a no-brainer and Magic Wand is just to good to not get it.
Urn is a great item. It provides HP, manaregen and a heal or a damage over time debuff for your enemies. It's a perfect item for gankers like Bat that need HP and mana.
And FUCKING ALWAYS carry a TP scroll with you. Most important item in the game without any doubt.
After getting those items, work towards your fist big item. You will either get a Vanguard or a Hood of Defiance or both. Most of the time you will get both, believe me. You can get that item earlier, if you feel its necessary because of happily harassing enemies.
Normally, you should not get wards. You need your gold for other things, let your support provide wards. But If you face invisible heroes, Dust is recommended.
Extended Core Items:
Your first goal is to get beefy. Depending on whether the enemy's team consists of physical DPS or of nukers get either Vanguard or Hood first. Most of the time, it's a combination of both, therefore I recommend getting Vanguard most of the time first, as it provides raw HP and a way to lower the damage you take from creeps. But this really depends on the situation.
After getting your first tank item, most of the time you want to get the other one or work for a straight Blink Dagger. This, again, depends. I recommend getting both Vanguard and Hood before thinking of a Blink Dagger, as it's a rather expensive item in comparison to the parts of VanHood and getting killed is a heavy setback. Nevertheless, if you feel tanky enough, a Dagger is absolutely necessary as it enables the perfect use of Flaming Lasso.
Extended extended Core Items:
After gettting Vanguard, Hood and Blink, think of up upgrading your boots. If your doing well, it's never a bad decision to get Boots of Travel, but Power Treads (either Int or Str) are also a good item for Bat.
Luxury Items:
If you are doing well and you have spare money, a Guinsoo would be the first decision. It provides an additional Disable for your team and provides all the mana you will ever need. But as it's a very expensive item, only get it when you have everything else you need.
Linken's also provides enough mana so you won't need anything more but is also very expensive. VanHood is superior in terms of surviving, regarding the performance/ cost ratio. It offers a spell-block, that counters for example single-target disables or in the worst case, Doom.
Situational Items:
Pipe can be a good upgrade for your Hood if you face a heavy AoE-lineup.
About Force Staff, it can be used if you want to quickly drag your lasso'd enemy to your teammates or if you need an additional escape mechanism.
It's a pretty supportish item, that means get it for your team when you feel like it.
Rejected Items:
NEVER get Phase Boots. You don't need the damage they provide and the Phase ability malfunctions with your Firefly. If you activate it both at the same time, you won't be able to pass though creeps anymore what is very bad. Blink Dagger does the same thing and is way superior to Phase Boots.
Shiva's, while seeming good (and it really would be), should not be gotten because it does not work with your Napalm. It overrides the Napalm stacks on your target and therefore the enemies won't be superslowed nor take additional damage from your abilites anymore. A clear case of mechanic-fail, sorry IceFrog.
Radiance once was core on Batrider. But the sparkling AoE aura does not get amplified by your Napalm stacks anymore, therefore it's now a bad item for Bat.
Hero Synergy:
Again (as stated in my Chen guide), every hero profits from disables, I won't list every hero here. I'm only talking of exceptional synergy here.
Abaddon is one of the best laning partners for Batrider. He can babysit you as he does not need very much items to perform well while supporting your rambo-like suicide flys with his heal and shield. Your greatest weakness early game are enemies who can disable and outdps you. Abaddon makes this impossible. the same thing counts of course for Omniknight.
While being a great lanepartner for everyone, Witch Doctor works very, very well with Batrider. His stun enables you to quickly and safely engange the enemy and the combined power of Napalm, Firefly and Maledict kills even the strongest enemy. In addition, troll powa, man!
It's not only Enigma who greatly enhances Bat's performance, actually every jungling hero with disables, like Chen or Enchantress works well with Bat. They enable you to solo the long lane and can support you with ganks from the jungle. Nice one.
As a combo-breaker, Silencer can fuck up your initiating pretty much. Normally, you blink in, Lasso someone, activate Firefly and spam Napalm. When you have a Silencer against you, you have to wait a long, long time between every spell. Bah!
Early Game nukers, like Tinker (or Zeus) can fuck up your lane presence. You are vulnerable to nukes as long as you are not tanky enough to survive. We are lucky that those strong early game heroes most of the time go to the mid lane to have the rune and level advantage, there it does not happen very often that we have to face them.
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