Ymir Tuskar Guide | Dota Ymir Tuskarr Items, Gameplay, Strategy Guide. Another gift here from Icefrog the developer of Dota-allstars, with the released of new map which is Dota 6.70 comes up with 2 new heroes and one of them is Ymir Tuskar. The full item and game guide are shown below.
Main Attribute: Strength
Alliance: Sentinel
Agility: 23 + 2.1
Intelligence: 18 + 1.7
Strength: 23 + 2.3
Starting Armor: 3
Movement Speed: 305
Attack Range: Melee
Ice Shards:
Tuskarr compresses 5 shards of ice into a ball of frozen energy that damages all enemies in comes in contact with. If the ball comes in contact with an enemy hero or reaches its maximum range the shards are released, creating a barrier that lasts for 5 seconds.
Travel AOE: 200
Cast Range: 1500
Damage: 70/140/210/280
Shards Duration: 5
Manacost: 120
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12
Note: Shards block path
Ice Shards: A1YO
Tuskarr and any nearby allied heroes roll in a quickly growing snowball towards the target enemy unit. Any victims caught in the snowball's path take damage and are briefly stunned; the final target takes 40 extra damage and 0.25 extra stun duration.
The snowball moves at the combined move speed of the heroes within.
Damage: 40/80/120/160
Stun Duration: 0.25/0.5/0.75/1.0
AOE: 200 + 40 per second
Target Cast Range: 1250
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 40
Note: Stops traveling after 4 seconds.
Snowball: A1S7
Frozen Sigil:
Tuskarr summons a Frozen Sigil by calling upon the deepest cold of winter. The Sigil creates a snowstorm which slows all enemy units within 600 range.
MS Slow: 10/15/20/25%
AS Slow: 30/40/50/60%
Movement Speed: 310 (Flying Unit)
Sigil HP: 300 (same as pugna's ward)
Bounty: 90/100/110/120
Duration: 30
Cooldown: 50
Manacost: 75
Note: Spawns infront of him
Frozen Sigil: A1YR
Walrus Punch:
Tuskarr prepares his mighty Walrus Punch; his next attack will do a critical strike and launch the victim into the air. The victim will be slowed upon landing and take damage.
Critical Strike: 2.5x (4x if the target is below 50% hp)
Landing Damage: 100/200/300
Landing Slow: 40%
Landing Slow Duration: 2/3/4 seconds
Cooldown: 18/16/14
Manacost: 50/75/100
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